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Things To Remember When Your Car is Stuck in Snow

It is a fact that your car can break down and get stuck anywhere on the road. But when you talk about extreme temperatures such as snow, things can get messy. Your vehicle stranded in snow brings all new challenges and problems to the owner. You can’t really go out and handle things on your own. So, what should you do?

Don’t worry because we have you covered. In this article, we will be your savior and our tips will get you out from the snow. Without any further ado, let’s begin.

1- Turn on Hazards

The first thing that you should be doing in case of a car breakdown in the snowy season is to turn on those lights. This becomes more important when it is currently snowing as the visibility is usually poor. Turning on the lights will alert the traffic and people around you that your vehicle is stranded and needs help.

2- Ensure Everyone’s Safety

No matter where you get stranded, you must always keep safety in mind. Not only yours but of people around you as well. If there are other passengers with you, and you are stuck on a road with heavy traffic, make sure that no one tries to get out of the vehicle. If the driver can, he may step out but very cautiously. It is advisable to stay in the car and call for help.

3- Getting Out Of The Car

If the area around you is clear with no heavy traffic then you may step out of the vehicle. Stepping out of your car is not a good option but necessary to alert other vehicles by setting roadside triangles (if you have them). Be very careful when doing that and always keep an eye on traffic.

4- Clear Snow

If you can easily get out make and your car is stuck in heavy snow, make sure that you clear as much snow as you can from around the tires. You can use your hands, ice scrapers, cups or anything that can come in handy. If there is huge snow underneath your car you should clear that as well. Once you think you have removed all the snow you can, try and place some solid pieces of wood or any other similar item you can find close to the tire. This will give create more traction and you might be able to get your car out.

5- Drive and Reverse

Once you have cleared the snow (as much as you can) its now time to act. Get in your car, say your prayers and try to drive forward, if it is still stuck try to hit the gas in reverse gear. You should continue this 3 to 4 times and you will hopefully be out. If not, it is time to read on because your problem is bigger than our DIY tricks.

6- Call For Professional Help

If you are still stuck, it is now time to call for a professional towing company. Don’t call your friends and ask them to tow as this could put theirs and your vehicle in more troubles. Wait patiently until the help arrives and hopefully you will be free in a few hours